- Maven is a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. Consider a project consisting of 100s and 1000s of Java file.
- need to compile each and every .java file for .jar packing.
- Similarly, in the case of .ear or .war file, we need to add all the dependencies needed along with .jar files.
- You can see compiling and adding dependencies for 100s of files is a serious task. This is the place where maven comes for the rescue.
- Just instruct maven (using pom.xml) what to do and it will do all stuff for you in real-time.
For eg: Compiling all Java files, adding dependencies, etc
Maven is a Java tool, so you must have Java installed in order to proceed.
Getting Maven
Download Maven Once downloaded extract zip or tat.gz file to a suitable location
Windows Machine:
- To run maven from the command line in Windows you should have properly set JAVA_HOME, MAVEN_HOME & PATH environment variables.
- Right-Click My Computer => Properties => Advance Setting => Environment Variables
- You can also use win+pause/break
- A dialog will open up. Add new System Variable
Variable Name => MAVEN_HOME
Variable value => full path of your Apache Maven Binary
- Update PATH
In Variable value => add Apache Maven’s bin path
Check for JAVA installation
- Press win + R and type cmd to open a command prompt.
- Type java -version
- If you get a location for your Java. Your JAVA_HOME variable is pointing to the correct file if not follow the same steps as done for maven. Open Command Prompt and type mvn -version.
- If everything is OK you will see
Mac Machine :
- Download the Maven, for example apache-maven-2.1.1-bin.tar.gz
- Open terminal and Extracts it
tar -xvf apache-maven-2.1.1-bin.tar.gz
- Update ~/. bash_profile. Create this file if doesn’t exist. Add variable details
export M2_HOME=/Users/abc/apache-maven-2.1.1
export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin - Once done press ESC => throw you back to command Mode.
- Press: wq to save and quit.
- Press: x exit without saving.
- Restart the terminal. Test it.
$mvn -version
Linux Machine (Ubuntu 16.04)
- Download Maven binary either directly or using wget.
- Extract downloaded file to a location let’s say Documents
- Now we need to edit and tell the system where is maven src code.
- Add M2_HOME and PATH.
- Save and Exit.
- Sometimes you might need to update permission as well.
- Reopen terminal and try mvn -version
- If it doesn’t work. Just log off and Login again. As is refreshed on Login.